3FIFFY2B.ZIP HEX: Urban HeXeN: Los Angeles. A MAP01 replacement. The minions of Korax were bored with medevil settings, so the decide to raise some hell in Los Angeles!
3FIFFY3.ZIP HEX: Death! A MAP01 replacement. Euro Disney was turning a fortress into an attraction, but Korax does not like the idea whatsoever. Elevators that accelerate and decelerate! Disco Room! Overcrowding!
DOCKS.ZIP HER: Saved game. Shows a player playing E1M1 w/o cheating.
HRSHOT09.ZIP HER: Shotgun v0.9. This PWAD replaces the ethereal crossbow with the shotgun from Doom I or II.
PROTEK03.ZIP HEX: Based on a Heretic level (E1M4) called Augustus. Some changes were made to improve Deathmatch playablity. The architecture was adjusted to present more plausible views.